Ernst Sommer was the Producer's grandfather. He wrote a number of books, but this one is available as an e-book via Amazon and other outlets.
REVOLTE DER HEILIGEN was written in 1943 and may be the earliest written account of the Holocaust. The novel is set in a Jewish work camp in occupied Poland. Ernst sets the plight of the work Jews in the context of the political conflict between Nazis bent on their extermination and those who argued that they should be kept alive as long as their labour benefited the German war effort. Their uprising, the climax of the novel, allows him to investigate the importance of Jewish resistance, or the lack of it, to the Nazis, and in particular the role of the Jewish Councils in impeding active resistance, aided by the long Jewish tradition of passive endurance of persecution.
About the Author
Ernst Sommer was a German speaking Jew from the Sudetenland. who died in exile in London after fleeing there in 1938. He was a legal adviser to the Social Democrats in Czechoslovakia as well as a town councillor and had been on the Nazi death list. He wrote a number of books and papers including Revolt of the Saints, which may the earliest written account of the Holocaust. He died in 1955 in London.
An interview with Elias Chacour (an Arab-Israeli who served as the Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and All Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church from 2006 to 2014. Noted for his efforts to promote reconciliation between Arabs and Jews, he is the author of two books about the experience of Palestinian people living in present-day Israel. He describes himself as a "Palestinian-Arab-Christian-Israeli.") given to Miranda in March 2014.
In this interview he is clear that the problems for Christians in Israel are not because of Islam, but simply because of Israeli policies that have driven so many out.
His book 'Blood brothers' is a must read.
Usama Nicola Jan 19 Old Canaanite names being used now by Israel (right)
Usama on way to Hebron Jan 19 History of names and places (left)
Travels with Usama Nicola Hebron archaeology Jan 19 (left)