
A former social worker, Miranda Pinch is highly active in Palestinian issues. Passionate about human rights and justice, she believes all are one and equal in the sight of God, and that there is no excuse for any group of people to claim greater rights than, or privileges over, another. She writes: "My mother was a Jewish refugee from Czechoslovakia who was ashamed at the abuse of the indigenous Palestinians by Israel. "Many of the victims of the holocaust have turned into oppressors themselves, instead of peacemakers and seekers after justice for all." Sadly, there are also many Christians who condone such behaviour.
"Like my mother, I can only cry:
'Not in my name!' "
Martin Buckley has worked at the BBC in TV as a reporter, director and producer, and presented a number of documentaries for Travel Channel and Discovery Channel. For over 20 years, he has reported for the From Our Own Correspondent strand of Radio 4/World Service. Work has frequently taken him to the Middle East, including producing a BBC documentary presented by Robert Fisk. In print, Martin has been published in a wide range of newspapers and magazines;
he is also an author, with three narrative travel books in print.
With a background in fiction and documentary, Alex Wilks'
approach to each project is to craft a strong narrative, believing that each video should be as unique as the people behind it. Alex is consistently
inspired by anything that offers a cultural insight or an interesting
perspective and aims for his work to reflect that, opening channels to organisations and individuals with pertinent stories to tell.